From roofs to septic tanks, home maintenance is important. Nobody wants an emergency repair situation! Fortunately, a properly maintained septic tank has an average life span of 20-30 years. Eventually you may have to consider replacing the tank. Perhaps you are considering switching from sewer to septic, or are considering a septic tank for a home you are building. Everyone’s situation is different. Here are some facts about the different types of material used to build septic tanks. This will be useful when your contractor presents you with options!

Septic tanks are most commonly built out of concrete. These will land you in the average price range. You can usually rely on these to make it through a couple of decades without too much wear and tear. However, they are susceptible to separation and cracking. Make sure to keep a regular pumping schedule. You should have it pumped every 1-3 years. This is depending on your household size. When you have it pumped, make sure there is an inspection included!

Fiberglass and plastic tanks are more resilient against cracking. They are also not as vulnerable to rust issues. These will run you a little less than the concrete tanks. However, the light weight does make them more likely to incur structural damage. They may also shift in the soil.

Steel tanks are the most unpopular. They will cost somewhere between what a fiberglass and a concrete tank will run you. They are the least durable and are susceptible to rust and corrosion. A corroded cover could cause someone to step and fall into the tank! You can replace the covers separately. Have the entire system inspected early on if you are moving into a home with a steel tank.

When pricing a septic tank installation, make sure you are factoring in all costs. Communicate with your contractor. Make sure all permitting, labor, and materials are accounted for in the quote. Also, bear in mind that there may be contingencies for unforeseen circumstances. A reputable company will keep you abreast of these.

Looking to replace, repair, or install a septic system? Give Express Septic Pumping a call for a FREE estimate! Our project manager will asses your property and give you an all inclusive price. Call today for the best in the Idaho Southwest!

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