Septic tanks don’t necessarily need to be pumped annually. Many tanks only get a flush once every three to five years. In addition to regular flushing, septic tank systems need regular maintenance. Homeowners who invest in annual septic tank maintenance enjoy seven valuable benefits.
1. Save Money on Repairs
The septic system needs to be checked every year so that small problems can be fixed before they become major and cost a lot to fix. If you have a garbage disposal hooked up to your septic system, you should take extra care to maintain it every year. Always hire a professional to do your yearly maintenance and inspection. They will check for leaks and ensure that your siphon discharge is operating as it should.
2. Improve Toilet Flushing
If your home’s toilets are flushing slowly, creating bubbles, or just not flushing at all, it’s possible that you have a septic system problem. Fixing a clogged toilet might be as simple as using a plunger, or it may require pumping out the septic tank. If there is any sort of blockage or bubbling in the toilet drains, always contact a plumber as soon as possible because this is the sign of a serious problem. One good indicator that urgent help is needed is if all the toilets in your home are impacted. Regular maintenance will ensure your toilets will flush properly.
3. Prevent Sewage Problems
Slow drainage indicates a potential problem with your septic system. If the tank goes without maintenance and gets completely full, its contents will overflow and leak into the yard. Exposure to this sewage can be extremely dangerous to your health because it can spread a variety of illnesses including leptospirosis and hepatitis A. Maintaining your septic system regularly will keep these sewage problems at bay.
4. Protect the Environment
Professionals will inspect the grass area around the septic tank to determine whether there is a leak. If the area around the tank grows greener and faster than other parts of the yard, this can indicate a leaky tank. The grass will grow greener and faster because it’s using leaky sewage as fertilizer.
The consequences of a leaky septic tank are detrimental to the surrounding environment. As the tank leaks, the sewage will make its way to nearby water sources, like lakes and ponds. As a result, algal blooms may form, which are incredibly toxic to both animals and humans. Regular maintenance ensures you are not in danger of having a leaky tank.
5. Avoid Water Contamination
Septic systems contain all the sewage and water that comes from your house. It stores it in a tank, and over time, it allows some of the waste to float to the surface. This liquid waste then makes its way to a nearby drain field before going through a filtering process and going back into the ground.
Tanks that get completely full force the drain field to clog and compromise the filter’s integrity. Because of this, dangerous chemicals get into the groundwater, making it unsafe to drink. This is especially of concern for those living off of well water. Annual septic system maintenance reduces the likelihood of water contamination by ensuring the tank doesn’t get full.
6. Create Maintenance Records
A professional can help you develop maintenance records. These septic tank maintenance records are helpful because they will allow you to easily keep up with its inspections, problems and fixes, so nothing is missed.
Having septic tank records on hand can increase the value of your home. The records will be of significant value in the event you sell your home. Being able to prove the septic system has undergone annual maintenance and is in good condition may make it more appealing to prospective buyers.
7. Eliminate Putrid Smells
You’ll notice very unpleasant smells of sulfur if the tank is full. This is a sign to contact Express Septic & Drain Cleaning right away and let us empty it before it starts leaking into your yard.
Most tanks only need to be flushed once every few years. Thankfully, during an annual inspection, a professional can tell you how close you are to the next flush. By adhering to the recommended flush schedule, you can eliminate the presence of putrid smells from the septic system.
Four Signs of a Full Septic Tank
When the septic tank gets full, problems can result. Knowing what to look for will enable you to know when it is time to seek help. There are four signs that will become apparent when your septic tank gets full.
1. The Toilet Keeps Backing Up
Just because a toilet clogs in the bathroom or the kitchen faucet quits working doesn’t mean there’s a problem with the septic system. If, however, every toilet won’t flush and all of the drains are draining slowly, this means the entire septic system is affected. You will need to contact a plumber.
2. You Always Notice a Gurgling Noise
Any time you notice gurgling, contact Express Septic & Drain Cleaning. Gurgling doesn’t necessarily mean the septic tank needs flushing, but it is a common symptom. Other possible causes of gurgling include blocked or clogged drains. Either way, it’s an issue that needs fixed.
3. The Lawn Looks Ordinarily Lush
If you wake up one morning and notice the lawn looks unusually healthy and lush and you haven’t done anything different to it, go ahead and contact Express Septic & Drain Cleaning. There’s a good chance the septic tank is full or leaking, and the grass is feeding on it like fertilizer.
4. You Can’t Quit Smelling It
When the yard smells like it’s full of sewage, it probably is. The only way to fix the problem is to fix any sewage leaks and possibly pump the system. If you ignore the problem, it can result in hazardous living conditions.
Getting rid of the smell starts with pinpointing the problem. Is the septic tank full or is it clogged? If the system’s ventilation unit gets clogged, this can trap gases from the sewage. Fixing the clog could repair the entire system, thus getting rid of the bad smells without having to flush the entire system. A professional can advise you on the right repair path.
Start Enjoying the Benefits of Annual Septic Tank Maintenance
A tank and a leach field are the two major components of most septic systems. Septic tanks have a potential lifespan of 40 years with regular inspections and maintenance. Well-maintained leach fields can last 50 years or longer. Contact Express Septic & Drain Cleaning today to get your septic tank flushed and to learn more about the importance of septic system cleaning, repair, inspections, and tests.